What's Manual?

Here you are on a website, but Manual Atlanta is actually a local, printed periodical. Each issue takes on an everyday practice or topic, like composting, local grocers, or bookstores, and lays out the essential information you need to incorporate these healthful practices into your daily life in a way that suits your needs. It's a cross between a lot of things - a neighborhood newsletter, a magazine, and a field guide - all bundled into one paper package. Consider it a manual for living in the city and map of how to get from where you are to where you want to go. Manual focuses on topics that are good for your community, good for our local economy, and good for the environment as a means to unify Atlanta and propel us forward.

Each issue can be divided into pages and stored in a binder. Collect new pages and build a Master Manual for living in Atlanta.

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Master Manual:










Why Manual?

Atlanta is filled to the brim with people, organizations, and businesses that care about the city and work hard to make it a better place every day. We're growing (and growing fast!), which makes for exciting, innovative developments on the horizon. Yet it can be hard to keep up with change, even when it's good. Most people have a laundry list of new practices they want to add to their everyday routine, held back only by time and research they require to begin. Also, there's not one right way to do most things - we all have different lifestyles, needs, and means, which makes getting started even more complicated. Manual Atlanta does the research and presents relevant information and options to the community to make doing good a little easier.

There's a grander dream within all of this. If we, the people, represent our vision for Atlanta through our daily actions and choices, the City will listen. It may seem simple, like composting in your backyard, but enough participation could justify a city-funded curbside pick-up program. Atlanta's policymakers represent their constituents - that's you. So on the small scale we accomplish our personal goals, but together, we create the change we want to see in Atlanta. The city's diverse, vibrant communities make the potential for social change limitless, and Manual Atlanta hopes to bring you closer to your goals, the community, and a future that serves everyone.


Goals & Values


Manual believes that the larger Atlanta network can cultivate a deeper sense of community through everyday actions that display a commitment to each other and our future. Manual Atlanta encourages community-building by showcasing our best assets - our people and local entities - in order to cultivate an interwoven network of neighbors and resources throughout the Atlanta metro area. The best information is often passed through word-of-mouth - one recommendation from a trusted neighbor is often more helpful than an hour of research. A printed publication could never replicate this phenomenon, but it can facilitate it! Manual welcomes community participation by inviting readers to call the hotline (404) 671-6976 and email (hello@manualatlatlanta.com) with tips, suggestions, ideas, and critique. Manual also hosts a Facebook group where neighbors and organizations can converse directly with one another.


Compassion & Inclusive Representation

The City should represent all of its residents, and Manual is firmly dedicated to bringing Atlanta closer to this goal. Manual acknowledges the reality of social inequity, pieces of which are entangled in our existing systems. Manual celebrates residents from all backgrounds and belief systems and writes with all in mind. Manual believes that understanding others' lifestyles does not require sacrifice of our personal values, and the path to unity does not demand uniformity. Providing opportunities for those with less lifts us all, and when we support all of our communities we can build a truly representative and equitable Atlanta. 


Local Stewardship

Manual encourages readers to fulfill the duties of stewardship through supporting local businesses and organizations, protecting the longevity of the people and the environment, and caring for the greater community through civic participation.


Transparency & Accessibility

Manual is an independently-produced publication. All content is based on thorough research, community endorsement, and counsel from experts in their respective fields (Atlanta leaders, usually!). Manual prides itself in its values and commits itself to producing accurate and objective subject matter that readers can trust. Manual remains accessible to the public by keeping issues at a low cost, maintaining open lines of communication, and publishing regular reports on operations.